Hi, I am Josh Rudesill and I'm searching for my first web developer job

This blog was created to document my journey from where I started to where I am now and also where I want to be in the future

I am currently searching for a job in web development. You can read about my story here on this blog or you can see my resume (upper right) for more information about me.
You can get in contact with me at joshrudesill@gmail.com (preferred) or at +1 (651) 491 5052 (I'm on WhatsApp too)


My Programming Origin Story

October 5, 2022

10 min read

My programming story began like many of my other interests. I have this obsession with mastering things that can appear to be so effortlessly understood by one person but completely foreign to another. Things which can look simple on the outside but belie incredible complexity and experience. Like how a chess grandmaster can calmly and efficiently analyze who has the advantage and give the best next move in any given match.


October 15, 2022

20 min read

If you've read the article about my programming origin story then you may have some idea what this will be about, if you haven't then here's a quick rundown. A few months ago I started a mentorship with Mark, a software developer with 10ish years of experience. We came up with a long term plan to get me on track to land my first software development job, preferably in web development.

How I use React

October 24, 2022

5 min read

To get started I have to state that this article will be a time capsule for myself, but I thought it may be interesting to share. I want to explain how I use React and its tools at this point in my career. I haven’t worked professionally with it yet but I have a fair amount of experience under my belt from building Jewel and other smaller portfolio projects. I often think about whether what I’m writing is correct from a development team standpoint.